March 01, 2012

New painting

I am an active member in this dansh group of creative and artistic people:

The group do some swaps, where you sign up to send a member a piece of art that you made yourself before a selected deadline. The theme this time was HC.Andersen (The danish storyteller, you know?). I had decided to make a doll inspired by the story of "The ugly duckling", but I had to change my mind, because I could not make the clay dry in time for the deadline. I made a painting instead!
This is my interpretation of this old story:

The duckling sits under the moon and wonders about the injustice in life. He was hatched from an egg in a duckfarm, and was being mistreated by the other ducks, because he was different.  Little did he knew that in a short while, he would become a beautiful swan and find his place in this world, but not before he had to go through a lot of challenges.
The text: "Life is the only teacher or school" is a HC.Andersen quote.
I think it turned out quite nice.

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